Thursday, May 06, 2010


to where the mind roams free ......
to live like kings and die like emperors is what mortals desire deep within the closets of their insecurities reinforced by experiences of ridicule from the world within and snubs without... death of an idea comes not from the rejection of it but from the abandonment of many years have you walked this earth many times have you died in the hands of embarrassment ...and how many times have you been rebirth actually so painful as we make it out to be rebirth not the sign of life itself ...does it not epitomise the kicking feeling of being alive and can anyone deny that THAT itself is the biggest adrenalin rush that possibly could be .....going back to school ..studying again....competing again....winning again..losing doing your hair again ...changing your dwelling place again...falling in love again ...are these not signs of kindling of the youthful buoyant spirit that one so aften mistakes as arrogance of like learning to unlearn...teenage...the swinging twenties..the steady thirtites and bang you are brought face to face with what you require to make the difference in the last lap ...your youthful optimism ....your ability to start from scratch ..your courage to dissmantle every theory to it basic origins and rework bottom up makes a fool of everyone of us in many ways than one could fanthom...and its lure guile and temptation is such that each one of us is lured back into the game be fooled again ..and again...why do we celebrate one birthday a year if we are reborn every now and then lets celeberate our rebirths trust me evry day will be a party and the hangover ......left to imagination each his own :-)