Wednesday, January 10, 2007

To Monks and Ferraris ......

to where the mind roams free ......going home for a week is still better than not having gone at all for all the things the trip did to me and i cannot articulate or give form to .... my apologies the only tangible achievement stands out to be a book read in transit.."The monk who sold his Ferrari"

the year that just fades into memory is irrepressible by sheer multitudes of its ups and downs...quite non chalantly at last i am able to hold on to this statement as now in perspective it my career was there to support me when my personal front had fallen into an abyss.....where i was faced with Death of a loved one staring back and waiting for me to blink to the euphoria of having confronted fears and defeated them.The book talks about a professional who discovers post a trip down the Himalayan ranges that our desires for conveniences in life blind us to the inconviniences that they cause once acquired......he chooses to let go of them much in contrary to my own decision last year where i desperately clung on to my professional world... but yes i guess both of us chose to do what we thought was best was a short trip where my 14 month old Niece demanded i become a toddler and regret the moment i laid eyes on her that the vacation had been longer...i purged my soul in the days spent .........rolling over soft white pillows almost as big as her,hiding among them ,tossing screaming bringing down the roof literally.....The path the journey the walk the trip was my path of diamonds
As for the present am back in the concrete jungle ..not empty handed though ..i carry an indellible snapshot of the moment She emerged from a pile of 8 pilows and blessed me with her toothless shot in the arm for a long time ahead

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