Tuesday, August 01, 2006

guilt conscience n rejection

rejection is the first step to healing of kinds .....the cut was always there ...blood oozing out relentlessly ... but rejecting someone ...its like the formation of a scab ...at first u think the blood flow,the pain will never stop..but it does .....then u think "my god its like a red scar i am marked for life the black scab is here to stay "...yet it peels off .....the white endodermis turns red then the mark fades into memory just like the person we reject......and sometimes only sometimes the mind wanders the hand searches to feel the hurt... the pain ...the wound...... the conscience stirs unplesantly within you quick incisive stabs into your sanctum ..bringing back the violent reactions that followed the pain the loss of rationale for a pain that looks so insignificant now.....the stabs do not fail to reach their mark ...Guilt oozes out relentlessly......n you think this will stay with me forever....and yet it does not.......what values r u made off ..what convictions will you ever stand up for ....are u a hypocrite ........the mind wanders........


sugar@gmail.com said...


i am glad you have finally found an outlet - to your thoughts - at my expense! - hehehe - just kidding - good luck and hope to see the posts coming fast and furiously ;))

fida . . .

Anonymous said...

if we look at the positive side of it...the wound that has now healed and there is no mark on the skin does not actually imply that the scab has left you...rather look at the other side of the coin...the scab has left you to look beautiful and presentable..similarly the rejection that we face does not leave is in a state of gloom...rather it is a ray of hope for us that we can have a better life ahead....that rejection might be a deliberate effort by someone to help you dwelve deep and achieve the glories in life....actually this is the conscious mind that treats rejection as a door slam..the subconscious does not...the subconscious mind starts to implement ways to move ahead..immediately after facing the rejection..coz no matter what we think consciously..the subconscious mind always makes us do something good for own self...no matter how we do it...