Thursday, August 03, 2006

our favouraite dumping ground

to where the mind roams free ...... to talk to your heart's content is to talk your heart out and when you speak from the heart you realise what a dumping ground the heart has become n how burdened the small fist sized organ has always been..(someone reminded me ) used to are we to deleting cookies,temp folders n emptying the recycle bin that wen all of a sudden your heart is unburdened of all the dumps ..the heart feels so much lighter you almost have a bounce in every step in every beat .........your deamons all at bay you feel reborn the fire within you rekindled......or as they say you reach an enlightened state........

i had read in OSHO books,books about meditation ,yoga gurus doctrines and the chineese methods of freeing the soul where you literally can detach yourself from your body and fly beyond the laws of gravity... a so called out of the body experience ...its short lived ...sadly for the fangs of reality bite into you to bring you down where the two coincide the mortal body and the caged burdened when do we attain nirvana.....well the path is simple......imagine urself in a state of the unburdened heart...where your soul rises a feet or two above the mortal flesh sitting below with folded legs and arms and you looking down upon seperating medium between the two......iddentify that medium(desires ,expectations,aspirations ,grudges,rejections,failures,anger,greed,lust....) it is different for each one of us is that that keeps us from elevating our mortal body and merging with the elevated soul that is a feet above the ground be able to superimpose your mortal body with your elevated soul is to attain Nirvana.....MOKSHA

1 comment: said...

nirvana is the name of the book i am writing . . .


fida. ..