Wednesday, August 02, 2006

What lies beneath the Lies

Omnipotent impulsive companion .....a misleading lover....a bored worker.....a forgetfull evading wife.....lies are a reality hate it love it you just cant deny or run away from it...what is amazing is it generally can be carried off with elan without the blink or batter of the eyelid but the worst is that for all the times it fails n flounders it makes you regret, it makes you swear to leave it alone brings u to your knees to escape the consequences of the truth of being caught out ...sadly fate shows no mercy......imagine walking past a maze of faces and carrying a face with you twelve blocks after the actual intersection letting your mind dive & dwelve in and out of the darker shades of your in to the temptations of lust desire a pseudo orgasmic experience.....and then snapping out of it ..gasping for air.. a bead of sweat appearing on ur forehead...cheeks yeilding to the observant eye the betrayal of loyalty...."hey you ok wat happened????"... you hear a voice adding to the tension but by then as if instinctively you have your saviour by your side ...your impulsive companion........a lie
.....fanthom living thru your b'day celebrations which as you have grown up have been reduced from inhouse parties to a blast at the most happening disc in town ...the free flow of vodka n Smirnoff some spilling over on to your spirit ...your sense of judgement...blurring the line of what is acceptable as a part of chilled out behaviour of a gang hanging life to others as if its the last night out and suddenly on the dance floor you come across an old falme ....the converstaion begins off where it had been lose sense of time n suddenly you feel ur spouse's hand on ur shoulder ....."who was that"...."o just a person i knew from college"...the misleading lie ...where u gain solace from the fact that you did not lie yet did not speak the whole truth.......

what lies beneath is the effort to preserve the present so as to protect the future... the means to an end is said is not important ....quite true....but then why try to justify that what u did was the right when its not...... relativity is a theory when applied to life takes away the power to judge n decide for from the other side of the court we all stand guilty as charged

1 comment: said...

nice new look.......
and oh.....i hate liars! ;))

fida . . .